How to Fix Your Shot!
Free Secret Shooting tips to become a knockdown shooter! Learn how to consistently hit your shots.
- Learn drills to learn the fundamentals you need to be successful
- How to increase your range and accuracy from deep
Over the last 10 years shooting has become a major part of basketball. Specifically the 3 point shot. Nowadays everyone is expected to be able to knockdown a 3. From point guard all the way to the big man. Teams are encouraging players to not take the “inefficient” long 2 pointer and just take a step back and take the 3. So now more than ever if you want to secure your spot on a basketball team a great asset is having a great jumpshot. And we’re here to hopefully help you learn How to fix your shot.

First off, I can’t guarantee that after reading this you will become the next Steph Curry. But hopefully these simple steps will lead you in the right direction to becoming a lethal shooter. I want to make clear throughout this article the goal isn’t 100% for you to completely change your shot. Because a lot of people have been shooting the same way all there lives so too much of a change drastically can be detrimental as well. The goal is to try to incorporate some of the tips to your current jumpshot to build on what you already have instead of starting from the ground up. At the end of the day it’s better to have a jumpshot that you feel comfortable and confident with than a jumpshot that is considered “perfect”. Some notable examples of people with unorthodox shooting mechanics:

Some of the topics we’ll be going over to help you learn how to fix your shot are:
- Confidence
- Fundamentals
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